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hi, i'm gabie. i'm not a lonely cactus and i only enjoy anthems at night.

things that i want to keep : stars, moon, sunset, tame wind, meadow, unintentional tears, lasting raindrop, unsual night, soothing anthems, and


Make Read More>> on Post // Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Hola~ Kali ini aku mau kasih tutor tentang tulisan More>> dlm postingan. Kalian pasti tahu kan??? Itu kaya semacam tulisan--> Read More!, Baca Selengkapnya, dan semacam-nya deh! Tapi kali ini aku mau kasih jump break-nya aja, ga pake edit html loh gini caranya :
  • Creat entries
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Arigatou... ^^

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